Government Financial
Management Services

We understand that effective government financial management is essential for the judicious use of public funds and the efficient delivery of essential services. Our expertise spans comprehensive budgeting, fiscal forecasting, financial management solutions, and service evaluation, all designed to support public sector entities in achieving their strategic objectives. By leveraging advanced methodologies and a deep understanding of public finance principles, we help governments optimize financial performance, enhance transparency, and ensure accountability.

How We Can Help

Public Sector Budgeting

Budgeting is a cornerstone of government financial management, involving critical financial decision-making and resource allocation. We recognize Budget Planning & Formulation and Budget Execution as the core tasks in this domain.

Budget Planning & Formulation

We provide advisory services to design an overarching budget framework that addresses all segments, structures, processes, and systems:

Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF)

Developing a comprehensive MTFF that aligns fiscal policy with medium-term economic goals.

Forward Estimates under Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)

Implementing a system of forward estimates to support medium-term expenditure planning.

Performance Budget Statements

Creating Medium-Term Budget Framework (MTBF) and performance budget statements for spending agencies, incorporating strategic, manpower, and operational plans.

Unified Program-Based Budget Framework

Aligning capital and recurrent budgeting within a unified, program-based budget framework.

Program & Performance-Based Budgeting

Enhancing program and performance-based budgeting to improve accountability and resource allocation.

Strengthening Macro-Fiscal Forecasting Capabilities

We assist the Ministry of Finance in bolstering its macro-fiscal forecasting capabilities through:

Macro-Fiscal Policy Unit

Enhancing the macro-fiscal policy unit to improve fiscal analysis and forecasting.

Capacity Development

Building capacities and skills for macro-fiscal forecasting and fiscal policy analysis.

Budget Execution

Our experts provide advisory support to improve budget execution rates and design management controls and accountability systems to ensure effective and efficient use of public funds. Our services include:

Financial Planning & Procurement

Advising on financial planning and procurement processes to ensure timely and cost-effective resource allocation.

Financial Accounting & Reporting

Improving financial accounting and reporting systems for greater transparency and accuracy.

Project Planning & Preparation

Supporting project planning and preparation to ensure successful implementation and alignment with budgetary goals.

Budget Integration

Integrating operating and development budget functions within the government to streamline financial management.

Public Finance Diagnostics & Reviews

Our experts possess the knowledge and analytical skills to conduct complex diagnostic reviews of public sector finances at national, sub-national, and individual agency levels. These reviews include:

Public Expenditure Reviews

Conducting thorough reviews of public expenditure to assess efficiency and effectiveness.

Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS)

Tracking the flow of public funds to ensure they reach intended beneficiaries.

Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessments

Evaluating the performance of public financial management systems.

Fiduciary Risk Assessments (FRA)

Assessing fiduciary risks to ensure the integrity and reliability of public financial management.

Value for Money Reviews

Assessing the value for money of public expenditures to ensure optimal resource use.

PFM Reform Strategy Reviews

Reviewing public financial management reform strategies to enhance effectiveness and sustainability.

Services & Revenue Streams Review

We offer specialized services to review the operations and financial structures of public sector organizations, ensuring alignment with government regulations and financial sustainability:

Service Evaluation

Evaluating the costs associated with public sector services and determining appropriate financial compensation.

Identification of New Services

Identifying new services that align with organizational arrangements and comply with government regulations.

Economic and Social Impact Assessment

Assessing the economic and social impacts of proposed financial compensation for both existing and new services.

Building the Case for Authorities

Developing comprehensive cases for relevant authorities, outlining reviewed costs, financial compensation strategies, and anticipated impacts.